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Losing multiple teeth in one part of your mouth to decay or extraction can cause any number of complications. Beyond impairing your ability to chew food, it can also affect your outward appearance and limit your quality of life.

To address a problem like this, your dentist, Dr. William Wilson, might recommend a custom fitted partial denture. This is essentially an abbreviated form of removable dentures that fits in the gap of your smile.

Your dentist will examine the area to make sure the surrounding teeth are healthy and strong. If any of the teeth in the area are also compromised by tooth decay or periodontal disease, he might recommend having them extracted and added to the partial.

Your dentist will then create a detailed impression of the area, including the corresponding teeth in your bite pattern. This will be sent to a professional dental lab where your partial will be made to fit perfectly into the void between the two neighboring teeth.

The partial is designed to fit tight on its own. However, many people with a partial like to use denture adhesive. Not only does it provide an extra-secure hold, but it also helps block out stray food particles.

If you have lost multiple teeth in one part of your mouth, you should call Chicago Osteopathic Hospital Dental Clinic PC at 773-947-4665 to ask about being fitted for a custom partial denture in Chicago, Illinois.