Are you experiencing any of the following:

  • Severe tooth pain and sensitivity
  • Swelling and tenderness in the gums
  • Darkening of a tooth
  • A recurring lump on the gums

If so, our dentists may suggest a root canal in Chicago, Illinois, to alleviate your pain and restore your smile. A root canal, also known as root canal treatment, is an endodontic treatment that allows our team to remove infection and decay from the inner portion of your tooth and return your smile to good health. When decay and disease reach your dental pulp and tooth nerves, which are located inside of your tooth, a painful infection often occurs. If left untreated, this infection can eventually kill the tooth and damage the gums surrounding it. To save your smile, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Wegmann, and Dr. Choo offer gentle yet precise root canal treatment.


We are pleased to treat many of these infections. However, if your case is severe enough, our team may refer you to one of our favored endodontists for further treatment. We believe in providing you with all the options you need for high-quality, professional care that will produce outstanding results. If you would like more information about root canal treatment, please contact us at Chicago Osteopathic Hospital Dental Clinic PC today.